Tuesday—the RoboSub Team of the Autonomous Maritime Robotics Association (AMRA) met to discuss possible proposals to Embry-Riddle’s Student Internal Grant (SIG) Program. The goal is to receive funding that will support Student Research projects on-campus.
Student Internal Grant
The Embry-Riddle Student Internal Grant is a program from the Office of Undergraduate Research allocating $25,000 every year for individual student and student organizations to pursue funded research interests. Applications for the 2024-2025 funding season close on March 1, 2024, and the funding time is from July 2024 to July 2025. Giving the selected projects time to develop the deliverables for their research Projects.
AMRA’s software team plans to submit two proposals for research projects. The first proposal is to research Neural Networks for Sonar data de-noising. This would be a novel approach to sonar data processing, making use of the latest developments in computer science and machine learning.
The second is to develop an open source simulation for robotics in underwater environments using sonar modules to collect data. This will serve to foster more rapid development in the AUV development space at a lower cost, and greater accessibility to students, researchers, and companies.